Thursday, June 27, 2013

Psalm 100:3

Toddlers and pre-schoolers have short attention spans, don't they? Just look at the trail of toys they leave in their wake every day! So how do you capture those teachable moments to teach him/ her about the Bible?
Well, I'm no "expert," but I've worked with little bitties for a long time (and well, sometimes my attention span is about as long as theirs!). I've often found that making learning fun, and including movement and/ or music is quite effective. 
Here's something to try on the next rainy day: 

Find a quiet spot and read Psalm 100:3 
"Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture."

Then, grab some chairs, couch cushions, whatever you have handy and build a "fence" in your living room. Create a gate by leaving an open space or designating one of the cushions as a gate. Everyone gets on their knees and pretends to be sheep. Repeat the scripture, and the sheep move out of the fence to graze and play. After a few minutes, the sheep should return to their fence for a rest. Then, repeat the scripture again, move out of the fenced area... You get the idea! Play for as long as it holds your child's interest.

I'd love to hear from you after you try this at home - feel free to leave a comment or catch me at church and let me know what your kiddos thought!

***And speaking of play-time, be sure you have Wednesday nights at 6pm saved for remARKable friends park play-dates! Our next play-date is July 3rd at Fletcher Park in Mt. Zion. See you there!!  :}

Monday, June 24, 2013


Wouldn't it be nice to enjoy some fellowship in an uber-casual atmosphere perfect for the little bitties???
It's playtime!! Calling all kiddos 5 and under... get your family together, invite your friends, and bring the neighbors! I'll bring the snacks, you bring the picnic blanket. See you there!!!   :}

Thursday, June 20, 2013

back to the beginning

Yup, that's me (a few years ago), right where it all began. My parents found their church family at First United Methodist Church in Decatur IL during their college years, and have been members ever since. I can honestly say I was raised in this church family. I wouldn't even know where to begin to count the hours I spent at church... two services and Sunday school almost every Sunday, choir practice, youth group, pageant rehearsals, waiting for my Mom while she practiced the organ... you get the idea.  :} 
I was baptized, confirmed (where on earth did those pictures end up?), and married right there, in that very same spot.
See, here I am with my great guy, and just as cute as the first picture, right??? Even though we lived in Wisconsin at the time, I had to get married "at home."
Want to know what else is really cool? Our two boys were baptized in this same spot, too! I feel so blessed that through the twists and turns of God's plan for our lives, we have ended up back in the Decatur area, and I am with my family again... all of them.  :}
But it gets even better! I am now an official member of the church staff... Coordinator of Early Childhood Ministries. I have a very fulfilling job working with the ministry we provide for the littlest members of our church family. I mean, seriously... does it get any better than helping families who want their children to know God's grace from the beginning of their lives??? I'm a lucky girl.  ;) 

Ok, enough about me! I'll bet you'd like to know more about what's going on with all of our remARKable friends...
Food and fellowship - that's the good stuff! I can't wait to meet more of my family and have a great conversation. See you Sunday!