Thursday, August 29, 2013

Jesus is My Best Friend

Hello friends! Today I felt inspired to share a song with you. I think your little ones will enjoy it... 
Jesus Is My Best Friend  --  sung to the tune of Are You Sleeping?

Our new Sunday School year starts this Sunday. There are classes for all ages, where everyone can learn more about their best friend, Jesus. If you have questions about our Sunday School classes, please call us at 423-9711. Hope to see you there!

Monday, August 26, 2013

the little things

Do you ever hear something in a sermon that just sits on your heart for a long time? I am blessed to be part of a church with amazing pastors, who deliver even more amazing messages, time after time. 
A few weeks ago, Pastor Kathy was speaking about nurturing children to grow in their Christian faith. While I have taken to heart the whole message, one sentence in particular jumped out for me... 
Little things DO matter, because they make big things possible. 

So I've been thinking about the "little things," especially when we're talking about our little bitties. There are so many opportunities for us to share those moments of "little things" with our children. I'll let you soul search for those opportunities in your household, but I'll share with you a few recent examples from mine... 
When we dropped some change in the Firefighter's boot yesterday, I took the time to explain to my boys how a small amount of money, from lots of people, can be used to make a difference. With some nudging, my oldest was able to apply that thought to giving an offering at church.
While my youngest son and his 3-year old friend studied the cicada I almost stepped on at the park, we talked about all the neat creatures God has made. I then encouraged my son to invite another child he'd been chatting with to come over and watch this unique creature.
My youngest son helped me deliver some apples from our trees to friends who have shared treats with us recently. While we were delivering, we talked about neighbors and friends doing nice things for each other. This afternoon, I have a date with my oldest son to pick more apples for others who might need them.  I'm looking forward to our discussion while we're picking the apples!
I'm sure I've missed tons of opportunities, and I'm sure I will miss more. And yes, it would often be easier and faster to do some of these things without help from my children. But I'm determined to take that extra "little" step, to turn potential "nothings" into "little things," for my kiddos and others.

Monday, August 19, 2013

A friend loves at all times

Our Sunday School lessons for the month of August have been focused on friendship. What a great topic to continue discussing at home!
With older children we might discuss standing up for our friends, not gossiping, the issue of bullying, etc. But these concepts are difficult for younger children to understand. 
While we often remind our "littles" to share with their friends, we can do more to help them understand this amazing gift of friendship God gave us.
For example, when a friend is coming over for a play-date, you can pray with your little one that God will help all of you show friendship. Then help your child set out toys that are conducive for sharing. Be sure to offer positive praise when you catch your little one being a great friend! Before bedtime, pray together again, thanking God for gift of friends. 
For a rainy day activity, help your child create a hand-made card and mail it to a friend - just because.   :}  
Encourage your child to invite a friend to Sunday School! Friends share God's love with each other. 
Teach your little one from an early age to speak words of encouragement to their friends. Some of my proudest "Mommy Moments" have been catching my sons telling a friend "good job" or "way to go" or "you can do it!" while they were bowling, playing at the park, etc. 
I'm sure you can think of tons of other ideas and activities for little ones to show love to their friends... feel free to share your ideas in the Comment Section! 
Have a wonderful day, friends  :}

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Psalm 30:4

Sing praise to the LORD, all his faithful people! Remember what the Holy One has done, and give Him thanks!   --- Psalm 30:4

What great words to share with your "littles!"
Warm up your vocal cords, because I'm sharing a song today... (you know the tune for Here We Go 'round the Mulberry Bush, right???)  Feel free to edit/ add your own verses.   :} 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Love thy neighbor...

I'll bet your littles like "helping" you in the kitchen as much as mine do. While it might take three times as long to finish, it's a great family activity. Why not make the most of it, and share some love with your neighbors at the same time???
Grab your favorite cookie recipe (or favorite tube of dough!) and bake a batch or two. While you are waiting for the cookies to cool, read Mark 12:30-31 together. After you wrap them up on a plate, tie on a fancy ribbon. I made a pretty little tag for you, that you can print, cut out, and tie with your ribbon. 
When you get back from delivering the goodies, brainstorm other ways we can show Christian love to our neighbors. Have fun!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Jesus in the bathtub

Ok, so maybe the title of this post is trying to catch your attention, but Jesus is always with us, right;)
As parents are well aware, the days often feel too short to fit everything in. Why not share some scripture while your little one takes a bath? The story of Jesus and the fishermen can be found in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. I chose Luke 5:1-11 as it is a bit more detailed and perhaps easier for a preschooler to understand. 
Kids love activities that corespond to scripture, so grab a sheet of craft foam and a toy butterfly net. Cut fish out of the craft foam, and your child can use the net to scoop up the fish in the bathtub. How nice it is to know that Jesus wanted fishermen to be His helpers. We can learn to be Jesus' helpers, too. 
As you snuggle your little one into his/ her bed, show how we can use our hands to make a fish... a reminder that God is always with us, and we should use our hands to help others.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Psalms 18:49

You know the tune for Mary Had a Little Lamb, don't you? Great!! You're ready to praise God today with your pre-schooler!