Thursday, January 30, 2014

another snack time prayer

In my previous post, you can see the yummy snack that goes with this prayer :
I am very happy that our little preschoolers enjoyed the snack so much. We will definitely be adding this snack and prayer to more of our lessons!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Jesus grew like me!

Our pre-schoolers had fun yesterday in Sunday School. We are learning about how Jesus grew up (just like them) and read important lessons to learn about God (just like them). He even sometimes made people angry with him.
To add some movement to the lesson, our little ones got to take a walk around the inside of the church. They were asked to picture Jesus walking right alongside them. They could tell Jesus whatever they wanted. How wonderful to help these eager, young learners develop a personal relationship with Jesus!
Returning to the classroom, the children were asked to think about foods that perhaps Jesus ate when he was growing up. So, for snacktime we had flatbread, grapes, and Feta cheese. 
I knew the grapes would be a winner, but to my surprise, the flatbread and cheese were gobbled up, too! Of course I'll never know, but I wonder if the lesson and activities preceding snacktime influenced their willingness to try the new foods. Just a thought in case you have a picky eater at home!
My next post will have a snacktime prayer for this snack. So add flatbread, grapes, and Feta cheese to your grocery list and meet me back here on Thursday!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

seeing stars

Our "toddlers & twos" are continuing to learn about the wise men who followed the star to find and worship Jesus. We are also working on identifying the simple star shape. So today I thought I'd share an activity you can use at home. 
*** Tip: If you print this page onto cardstock, it will last a little bit longer. 
Have your little one decorate the stars with crayons, markers, stickers, etc. Then cut out the stars, and work together to line up the stars from smallest to largest. Repeat the activity, but order them from largest to smallest. Click here for a simple song to conclude your activity.
When you are finished, tuck the stars into a plastic bag and toss into your diaper bag. Then you will have an activity ready to play the next time you are stuck waiting with your little one.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Love and Laughs

How about a night out for Mom & Dad... with FREE childcare??!! 
That's right... free childcare. All you have to do is RSVP for your kiddos (up to age 12) and purchase your tickets. While you and your sweetheart enjoy dinner and a show, the kiddos will be enjoying some playtime, crafts, and heart-healthy snacks. How fun!! Click here for more information (and to purchase tickets and reserve child care). Have questions??  Call Marilyn Stevens at 217-638-5545.

Friday, January 10, 2014

the guiding star

On Sunday, our little ones will continue to talk about the star that guided the wise men to Jesus. And we will discuss how Jesus grew from a baby, to a toddler, to a young child. Our lesson will focus on how Jesus changed, and grew, and learned... just like us! 
Here's a simple song you can sing at home with your little ones (to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star) -

Friday, January 3, 2014

Luke 2:52

During the month of January, the remARKable friends will be learning more about the wise men who followed the star to find Jesus, and about Jesus growing up. Our Bible verse for January is: